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Regulations on Consumer Products Containing Lead

On May 2, 2018, the Canadian Department of Health issued the Consumer Products Lead Regulations SOR/2018-83, SOR/2010-273, which repealed the regulations on lead in consumer products (in contact with the mouth).

Revision content:

Products that come into contact with the user's mouth during normal use, except for kitchen utensils; Products subject to the regulations for glazed ceramics and glassware.

Clothing or clothing accessories for children under 14 years old;

Products for children under 14 years old to learn or play (note: current regulations only stipulate for children under 3 years old);

Books or similar printed products for children under 14 years old, except for the following products: printed on paper or cardboard; Using traditional materials and printing and binding in traditional ways.

Products that assist children under 4 years old in relaxing, sleeping, hygiene, or transportation.

The total lead content limit for the accessible components of products within this control range is 90 mg/kg.

The exemption list for new and old regulations is consistent. Exemption from the lead content limit requirement for accessible components in the following situations: lead is necessary for producing a necessary characteristic component; There are no suitable alternatives with lower lead content; According to good laboratory practices, the lead release from components should not exceed 90 mg/kg.

According to good laboratory practices, the lead content or lead release of accessible components can be determined by any method. The testing method for lead release is no longer limited to EN71-3.

Each country has regulations on the content of heavy metal lead in surface coatings of goods. If products are exported to Canada, they must comply with Canadian regulations on surface coatings

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