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EN71-9 Organic Compounds

EN71-9 General Requirements for Organic Compounds - specifies the total migration amount of toxic compounds present in each toy or toy material in the following exposure modes: contact with the mouth; Possible intake; Skin contact; Eye contact; Inhalation. The scope of restricted substances is particularly broad, including flame retardants, colorants, aromatic amines, monomers, solvent migration, inhalable solvents, wood preservatives (indoor and outdoor), other preservatives and plasticizers.

EN71-9 and EN71-10&11 are a whole and complement each other.

Seminar on the New European Toy Safety Standard EN71-9- Helping Chinese Toy Exporters Cope with High Cost Trade Barriers of Organic Compounds in Toys: EN71-9, 10&11 EN71-9 is the first part of the three new parts of EN71, which lists certain specific organic compounds used in toys. EN71-9 will be used together with prEN71-10 and EN71-11,

The content is as follows: EN71-9: Organic Compounds - Requirements EN71-10: Organic Compounds - Sample Preparation and Extraction EN71-11: Organic Compounds - Test Methods EN71-9 was promulgated by the European Commission for Standardization (CEN) and adopted by national standard bodies in Europe in August 2005. It has been in effect in the UK, Germany, Spain, Italy, and other countries. An increasing number of EU buyers have requested suppliers to undergo EN71-9 toy safety testing. Cases of recalls caused by excessive organic compounds in toys have occurred in countries such as Spain. Test scope: plush, wooden, plastic, stationery Waiting for products.

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