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电话Tel:0754-88894222 传真Fax:0754-88894229 邮箱:spg@spg.net.cn 技术支持: 18688981981 联系人: 张先生 13924767878 网址:www.spg.net.cn 地址:广东省汕头市澄海区玉亭路祚承大厦七楼博飞简介
博飞检测技术有限公司成立于2011 年,由一批学识和经验丰富、从事多年企业管理及检测技术的专家组成。作为一家综合性检测机构,公司能进行电子产品的安全、环境、性能测试,化学环境有害物质的检测,各国的玩具安全要求的检测,电子电气产品的安全要求的检测及纺织品等其他消费品的检测。实验室已获得国家CNAS 认可,编号为L5950,也获得美国CPSC 认可,编号1444。
SPG was founded in 2011, which gathered a group of enterprise management and detection technology experts who have many years’ test knowledge and experience. As a comprehensive test organization, SPG has the ability to detect Safety, environment and function test and chemical environment harmful material for electronic products, the toy safety test according to different countries’ toy standards, the safety test of the electron & electronic product based on kinds of safety requirements, and test for textiles and other consumer products. SPG is an accredited testing laboratory by CNAS. The Accredited registration certificate number is L5950. SPG is an accredited testing laboratory by CPSC. The Accredited registration certificate number is 1444.
SPG was founded in 2011, which gathered a group of enterprise management and detection technology experts who have many years’ test knowledge and experience. As a comprehensive test organization, SPG has the ability to detect Safety, environment and function test and chemical environment harmful material for electronic products, the toy safety test according to different countries’ toy standards, the safety test of the electron & electronic product based on kinds of safety requirements, and test for textiles and other consumer products. SPG is an accredited testing laboratory by CNAS. The Accredited registration certificate number is L5950. SPG is an accredited testing laboratory by CPSC. The Accredited registration certificate number is 1444.